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SU2 Conference 22: A few notes on FFD-boxes in SU2
SU2 Conference 22: Adjoint Optimization With RBF as Mesh Deformation and Sensitivity Smoothing Tech.
SU2 Conference 22: Implementation of γ-Re θ transition model within SU2: model validation
SU2 Conference 22: Turbulence modeling with wall functions
SU2 Conference 22: Computation of Design Sensitivities in Multi-Species Reacting Flows
SU2 Conference 22: Performance Analysis and Shape Optimization of a Radial Compressor with SU2
SU2 conference 22: Mixing model in SU2: A numerical study of a static Kenics mixer
SU2 Conference 22: User-defined output functions, with advanced applications
SU2 Conference 21: Welcome and Year in Review, T. Economon
SU2 Conference 21: Drag Breakdown of SU2 Solutions around Aircraft, E. Saetta
SU2 Conference 21: Aerostructural wing shape optimization assisted by algorithmic differentiation
SU2 Conference 21: But how does the Discrete Adjoint actually work?